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We Are Called To Reach!

You might have been asked at some point in your life, "what is my calling?"If we are young, many times we do not know what that is yet. Often when we are older, sometimes the answer is I knew my calling but did not do anything about it. When it comes down to it, no matter what your passion or gifts are, we are all called to three specific things: reach the lost, teach the reached, and dispatch the taught. Every single human has this same specific calling through Christ. We take those three tasks from the scripture, Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”, this more commonly known as The Great Commission. Through the next several blog posts, I want to dive a little deeper in this and see how we can truly use this in our everyday life and long term to make an impact for the kingdom of heaven.

The very first thing that Christ says, "Therefore go!" We are called to go and reach the lost. For some, this will come off really daunting. Go? Where am I supposed to go? What if I don't feel called to go? Most often, we believe that missions and evangelistic work occurs overseas. Honestly, I believe that this is a deceptive lie from the enemy to avoid us from being used right in our own backyard. When He says "God" that can mean go to your family, go to your local area, go to your country, and go to the ends of the world.

First, go to your family. This is probably one of the hardest ones because it is one of the most uncomfortable. We love our family members and want what is best for them, but we also do not want to push them away. I have family members who I am not one hundred percent sure, where their heart is. I intercede for them constantly but there will come a time when, I feel the nudge from the Holy Spirit to talk to them specifically about Christ. We have to trust God that they are in His hands and not worry. Look for opportunities to open up in the little and big ways.

Second, go to your local area. We have missions field in our backyard. Our neighbors need Christ, our peers need Christ, and our co-workers need Christ, and so on so forth. For middle school and high school students, one of the largest missions field is right at your fingertips. Your school is a huge gateway to bring lost souls home. There are so many pre-teens and teens that are hurting and in need of the true love and grace of God. As students, you must respect authority, but not feel intimidated to preach the gospel. The same goes to adults in the work force. A dying company can be revitalized through the message of Christ. Anything can happen. You could be that one person that someone you work with needs. There are so many homeless and needy people in our local area and state that we can make an impact simply by going on the street more ministering to people. It does not take much too simply gather some coats, gloves, and hats from friends and hit the streets to hand out to those who must endure the harsh winter weather.

Third, go to your country. What do I mean by this? The actual physical step to get out of your area will make a huge difference mentally and will expose you to a new sub-culture. There are major differences between the North and South, East Coast and West Coast, and so much more. Inside our own country, are mini countries with unique cultures and living styles. Going outside your state to make an impact not only will benefit others but will start to do something on your own heart. Many places have been affected by natural disasters like hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, etc. There are places ridden with crime, poverty, and hopelessness that even the very people that live right next door to them ignore. We can make a simple difference by just going. There are many organizations that doe evangelistic trips throughout the states, simply a Google search a way.

Finally, go to the ends of the world. We are called to go outside our country to reach those that have never heard the gospel and those that have just simply ignored the message. When I was, sixteen, I went on my first mission trip to Kolkata, India and it literally changed my life forever. God showed me calling into full time ministry and the desire for His children that are lost. He started to break my heart for the nations and after going to Baja, Mexico when I was 19, I knew that I would be called not long-term missions but to take many short-term missions over seas. We know that Christ will return once EVERY people group has heard the gospel and has had a chance to respond to it. I FIRMLY believe that everyone is called to in one way or another assist a mission overseas whether that is through finances or through actually going. Of course, I would easily recommend going, but that is not for everyone so why not help someone go.

Through this, we can realize that when in talking about reaching the lost for Christ, we do not have to GO far. The lost are in our neighborhoods or even in our very own house. The lost is in the state or even the country north of you. The lost are everywhere. That is where we are called to GO. We are called to GO EVERYWHERE and be light in the darkness. To not shove the gospel grace people’s throat but to simply love them as Christ did.

I want to challenge you go take the next level whatever that might be. For some it is talking to their relatives about Christ and for some the next step is going on a foreign missions trip. Whatever your next challenging step is, pray and seek the Lord. When you challenge yourself that is when you grow deeper and stronger in the Lord.

Inspired by the Call

John-Gregory Carse


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